It was my turn to do the wrap-up talk. As usual, I had answered my CBS questions, read the commentary in my CBS book and reread the passage several times. Meditating on the words of the Bible are so good for me! Psalm 1 and Joshua chapter 1 tell me that I will be ‘successful’ if I do that. Pondering over the Word of God, his thoughts and now the written Word for us is so good, especially when you have to prepare a short teaching for your group!
I thought deeply about the words
For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at His coming? Is it not you? For you are my glory and joy. (1 Thess. 2:19-20)
I realized in a flash I felt the same way about my CBS group as Paul felt about the Christians in the city of Thessalonica. We have been meeting for 19 years! Who was I going to boast about to the Lord Jesus at His coming? They have been coming faithfully to my house every Thursday morning, holding me accountable and sharing their lives, following Jesus closely, being real and open about their struggles and issues in life. The ladies in my CBS group are so special.
So, I went and bought crowns – all different ones, some with flowers, some with words, some with jewels, some made with ‘gold’. I wrote a blessing for each of them as I’ve gotten to know them through the years like “Greetje, you are the one with the biggest ears and heart. You are so quiet, but you listen to us, and then you share your age-old wisdom in one sentence. So powerfully putting us all at rest and before our Lord again. So Greetje, what is my hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at His coming? Is it not you Greetje? For you are my glory and joy. Thank you so much.” At that point, all of us had tears in our eyes as I hugged her and gave her the crown. In that way, I went around the room and it became one of the best mornings in our history of meetings.
We closed the morning singing: “Crown Him with many crowns!” So thankful for how these ladies have enriched my walk with Jesus. I hope we will keep going until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Margré Hays